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更新时间:2019-12-16 11:51    浏览:
PP Flame Retardant ventilation pipe is the first choice for chemical pipeline
With the emergence of new materials for PP flame-retardant ventilation pipes in the laboratory, the development ideas have changed. They are developing towards green and environmental protection, exploring more recyclable materials, learning and innovation to survive in the cracks can stand out among many manufacturers, so that they can not be eliminated in the fierce competition and steadily improve their market position. PP Flame Retardant ventilation pipe material in the laboratory has good sulfuric acid resistance. It can withstand sulfuric acid with concentration below 98%. It is a more economical choice to use PP Flame Retardant ventilation duct material in laboratory. Most of the metal materials are not resistant to hydrochloric acid corrosion (including various stainless steel materials), and the molybdenum containing high silicon iron can only be used for hydrochloric acid below 50 ℃ and 30%.
化工介质的高腐蚀就是化工管道***严重的危害之一,如果选材不当,轻则损坏管道设备,影响生产,严重的会造成重***事故甚至引发不可预知的污染环境。据***家安监局统计,化工管道设备的损坏约有60% 是由于介质腐蚀和老化造成的,因此在实验室PP阻燃通风管道阀门选择时***先要注意选择材料的科学性,否则后果不堪设想。因此输送硫酸的泵阀通常采用高硅铸铁(铸造及加工难度***)、高合金不锈钢(20号合金)制造,但是价格也会很高,且容易造成泄漏腐蚀,而实验室PP阻燃通风管道路材料就可以完全避免这一点。很多人都认为不锈钢耐腐蚀强度高是化工介质输送的“***材料”,不论什么介质和使用环境条件都用不锈钢管道阀门,这是很不理智的。和金属材料相反,***多数化工塑料材料对盐酸都有******的耐腐蚀性,所以内衬橡胶阀门和塑料阀门(如聚丙烯、氟塑料等)是输送盐酸的***选择。硝酸一般金属材料***多在硝酸中被galaxy银河腐蚀破坏,不锈钢是应用***广的耐硝酸材料。
The high corrosion of chemical medium is one of the most serious hazards of chemical pipeline. If the material is improper, the pipeline equipment will be damaged and the production will be affected. Serious accidents will even lead to unpredictable pollution of the environment. According to the statistics of the State Administration of work safety, about 60% of the damage of chemical pipeline equipment is caused by medium corrosion and aging. Therefore, when selecting the valve of PP Flame Retardant ventilation pipeline in the laboratory, we should first pay attention to the scientificity of the material selection, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. Therefore, the pump valve used to transport sulfuric acid is usually made of high silicon cast iron (difficult to cast and process), high alloy stainless steel (alloy 20), but the price will be very high, and it is easy to cause leakage corrosion, which can be completely avoided by the PP flame-retardant ventilation pipe road material in the laboratory. Many people think that the high corrosion resistance of stainless steel is the "universal material" for chemical medium transportation. It is unreasonable to use stainless steel pipe valves no matter what medium and use environment conditions. In contrast to metal materials, most chemical plastic materials have good corrosion resistance to hydrochloric acid, so rubber lined valves and plastic valves (such as polypropylene, fluoroplastics, etc.) are the best choice for conveying hydrochloric acid. Most of the general metal materials of nitric acid are destroyed by rapid corrosion in nitric acid. Stainless steel is the most widely used nitric acid resistant material.
对常温下一切浓度的硝酸都有******的耐蚀性,值得一提的是含钼的不锈钢(如316、316L)对硝酸的耐蚀性不仅不***于普通不锈钢(如304、321),有时甚至不如。而对于高温硝酸,只有采用钛及钛合金材料,而钛材料也不宜加工。醋酸它是有机酸中腐蚀性***强的物质之一,普通钢铁在一切浓度和温度的醋酸中都会严重腐蚀,不锈钢是******的耐醋酸材料,含钼的316 不锈钢还能适用于高温和稀醋酸蒸汽。对于高温高浓醋酸或含有其它腐蚀介质等苛刻要求时,实验室PP阻燃通风管道材时***的选择。
It has good corrosion resistance to all concentrations of nitric acid at room temperature. It is worth mentioning that the corrosion resistance of molybdenum containing stainless steel (such as 316, 316L) to nitric acid is not only not better than that of ordinary stainless steel (such as 304, 321), sometimes even worse. For high temperature nitric acid, only titanium and titanium alloy materials are used, and titanium materials are not suitable for processing. Acetic acid is one of the most corrosive substances in organic acids. Ordinary steel will be severely corroded in all concentrations and temperatures of acetic acid. Stainless steel is an excellent acetic acid resistant material. 316 stainless steel containing molybdenum can also be used in high temperature and dilute acetic acid steam. For high temperature and high concentration acetic acid or containing other corrosive media and other harsh requirements, the best choice for PP flame-retardant ventilation pipe material in the laboratory.




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galaxy银河(中国)有限公司官网 主要生产:阻燃通风风管实验室通风风管
